Christian Manley

Christian Manley is a 26-year-old former Marine born and raised in Alabama.  He served in our Armed Forces for four years and was last stationed in Fort Walton Beach Florida.

He moved back to Alabama where he watched the election results with his family on November 3, 2020. He found the 2020 election highly unusual.  He’d never before watched six swing states that were showing Trump ahead, all stop counting only to resume with Biden ahead hours later.  He joined many others on January 6 to peacefully protest.  Christian traveled from Alabama to Washington DC alone to make his voice heard.

In August of 2021, Christian moved to Anchorage Alaska, to pursue commercial fishing.

The FBI began their manhunt on January 6th and found two people, relatives in Alabama, that identified Christian as the man in the picture above. 

While uninterested in releasing the 12,000 hours of the CCTV around the capitol, the DOJ did use it to selectively gain evidence against anyone they could.

On October 18, 2021 Christian was arrested at the airport.  He was taken into custody and assigned a public defender.Christian was respectful and called everyone involved “Sir” when arraigned five days later.  He intently watched the videos either on a monitor on the defense table or projected onto a wall, sometimes with a furrowed brow.  His federal public defender, Samuel Eilers, unsuccessfully argued for conditional release, saying Christian didn’t own guns, didn’t post about the riots on social media and didn’t have a substance abuse problem.

Among the factors in the judge’s decision to detain him was that he was violent and a danger to society.

The DOJ narrative is: Christian was captured on video in the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol, wearing a flak jacket, armed with bear spray, a collapsible police baton, and handcuffs as he approached the archway entrance. At approximately 2:53 p.m., he can be seen spraying bear spray at officers from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department, who were defending the entrance. He threw the empty bear spray container at the officers a few seconds later, then used a second cannister to again spray the officers. He then threw this cannister, too, at the officers. Then, at 2:55 p.m., he accepted a metal rod from another rioter and threw it at the officers.  Manley also wedged his body against a wall in the tunnel and used force to push the security door against officers defending the Capitol. The DOJ claims that Christian “led the charge.”  Protesters with him in the crowd claimed they were subject to brutalities by police.

All exculpatory evidence (evidence that contradicts the DOJ’s version) is being withheld from J6rs, so we don’t know what really happened.  Christian could have been trying to save one of the people sprayed by the Police who ended up struggling to breathe.

The DOJ immediately transferred Christian back to DC so they could lock him up in the gulag.  The DC prison is notorious for beatings, under nourishment, and cruelty such as not providing blankets when temperatures drop to freezing.

The DOJ uses “stacking” of charges to make the potential sentence as long and intimidating as possible.  They pressure the J6r to plead guilty with promises of lighter sentences. This doesn’t appear to actually happen.  The sentences have been 10-100x more than any similar sentences for Democrat protestors who usually get no time at all.

The pressure and the gulag treatment worked and Christian pled guilty in November of 2021.

In April of 2023, Christian finally had his day in court. After two and a half years in prison, he was sentenced to 50 more on top of 36 months of supervised release.  He was ordered to pay $2000 in restitution and $100 for a special assessment fee.

A J6 support group received this message from Christian a few months ago:

Pray for Christian and he definitely could use encouragement.  You can write him at:

Christian Manley

#70303-509 FCI Yazoo City, Federal Correctional Institution PO Box 5000

Yazoo City, MS 39194

Manley faces several charges, including assaulting or resisting officers using a dangerous weapon; civil disorder; exhibiting disorderly conduct and demonstrating in a Capitol building; and engaging in physical violence and disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building.

The FBI agent’s statement includes photos taken from video alleging to show Manley approaching the Capitol with a can of pepper spray and then spraying it toward officers inside the Lower West Terrace archway of the Capitol.

When the can is emptied, authorities allege he threw it at officers before later footage shows him spraying another can and throwing it when it is empty.

The statement then alleges he accepted a metal rod from another rioter and threw it at officers. The document alleges he moved toward the officers defending the entrance, braced himself against a wall and used his body to push a door against officers trying to defend the entrance.


Christian Manley
FCI Yazoo City Low
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 5000
Yazoo City, MS 39194

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