Guy Reffitt

Guy Reffitt is a50-year-old resident of Wylie, Texas.  He began his adult life as an oil field worker and soon rose in the ranksto oil rig manager, earning him a tidy six-figure salary.  With that success also came foreign assignments in exotic places like Thailand, Saudi Arabia and China.  He was living in Malaysia as an oil production consultant but soon after, in 2016,the oil business collapsed due to a glut of product and lower demand.  From that point on, life for Guyand his family shifted. With no jobprospects in Malaysia,and having depleted their savings, Guy and his wife Nicole packed up their three kids and moved to Wylie, a northeast suburb of Dallas.

Being handy, Guy quickly landed a job installing sunrooms.  It went well at first then Covid hit and shut down most businesses considered, “non-essential” and he was out of work, again.  Frustrated, some reports say that’s when he started to veer right politically. But he’d always been a patriotic, blue-collar guy.  Some speculate that’s when he got interested in Donald Trump.  Or he just liked the way Trump was plain spoken and not a career politician. Either way, he became a fan.  At the same time, his son Jackson’s beliefs and politics careened to the far left.  It caused a major rift in the family when his underaged son wanted to attend a BLM rally to protest the death of George Floyd.  “Well, he got to go to the BLM protest, I didn’t stop him from doing that. I just told him he couldn’t take Mom’s car and he was angry with me, explained Guy.  Jackson’s anger simmered towards his father.Hecalled the FBI and began reporting his father’s conversations and activities with other patriots.

On January 6th, Guy went to the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally, not knowing what to expect.  Like many others, he got caught up in the hysteria and chaos when police fired flash bangs and tear gas at protestors. The protestors, starting as peaceful, decided to push back. Since January 6th, several news outlets and citizen journalist uncovered disturbing details.  Reportsfrom eyewitnessessuggest that Antifa and FBI agents were dressed as Trump supporters and were the ones agitating the crowd into violence.  The unvarnished truth will come out some day, but until then, the main-stream-media will continue to foment their narrative that the protestors were violent, right-wing extremists aimedat toppling the government.  But Guy only wanted to exercise his right to know how the vote count changed drastically overnight in many key precincts. Like others, he wanted a pause in the certification to investigate the possibility of fraud.

At the capital, Guy walked to the west side of the building with a large crowd.  He used his own phone to record what happened next.  Using a megaphone, Guy challenged the police concerning their right to be there. In response, an officer pepper sprayed him in the face. Incapacitated, Guy stayed behind as the crowd surged forward.  He never enteringthe building.  But he was carrying a Smith & Wesson pistol, visible and permitted for protection, assuming Antifa and BLM thugs would be there to counter protest.  It was well documented that Antifa members had harassed and used violence against patriot groups and federal buildings. As you recall Antifa tried to burn down the Portland Federal Courthouse.  Guy left and returned to his hotel room.

            Already in touch with the FBI, Jackson was instructed to record conversations and even egg his father into verbalize his views.  It worked. The FBI had enough evidence to arrest Guy on the morning of January 16.  He was jailed for approximately 19 months before standing trial.  Guy pleaded Not Guilty to all charges and asked for a jury trial that went from February 28th to March 8th of 2022. He was offered a court appointed lawyer because he could not afford one. This attorney did little to help, advise, or even call one witness to the stand for Guy’s defense.

            It was uphill battle from the start. Aggressive prosecutors sought to enhance his sentence to 15 years. They tried to use a provision in federal law that allows for harsher punishment in terrorism cases.  Guy’s case is the firsttime prosecutorssought a terrorism enhancement sentencing for a Jan. 6 protestor.  As you might expect, Jackson was the key witness against his father. Without shame or regret, he took the stand – and buried him.

            And yet, with all that his son did to him, Guy has publicly stated that his forgives his son and hopes to reconcile one day.

Legal experts have commented on Guy’s.  They suggest that it’s important that he hire a private attorney and fires Public Defender William Welch.  They say he has a great case for appeal based on exclusion of evidence and ineffective assistance of counsel. It was no coincidence the first J6er the DOJ tried had a passive liberal public defender take his case, as one said, “They were looking for a slam dunk to terrify the other J6ers to plea out and used Mr. Reffitt as an example.”

At trial, Jackson spoke of Guy’s association with fellow patriots in the area, the political arguments they had and more.  After deliberating for only an hour the jury ‘of his peers’ found him guilty on all felony charges due largely to the poisonous testimony of his Jackson.Fortunately, U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich denied the terrorism enhancement. She said it would cause “an unwanted sentencing disparity” between Guy and other Jan. 6 defendants since prosecutors did not seek the increased sentencing in other cases. Guy was sentenced on August 1st, 2022 to 87 months in prison, three years of supervised release, $2,000 in restitution; $500 special assessment. 

Pray for him as he seeks an attorney to take up his appeal. Someone who can help him reduce this incrediblylong sentence.

Guy, and others like him, are being used as examples to all who might question our elected officials.  To date, Jackson, who was given massive praise in the MSM, has raised over $175,000 for his needs.  His father needs help in paying for an attorney that will take up his cause.

To write and encourage him, please write to him at;


Cimarron Correctional Facility

3200 S Kings Highway

Cushing, OK 74023


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