Jacob Travis Clark
Thirty-four-year-old Jacob Clark of Colorado Springs is an American success story. He was always a hard-working, blue-collar guy and made a name for himself as master auto mechanic. Jacob did so well that 6 years into it, along with his wife Caren, he opened his own shop aptly named, Faithful Service Automotive. It’s a name reflective of his live in all aspects. Jacob was always patriotic and felt that the president was cheated and he had to do something, so he attended the rallies on January 6th.
A man like Jacob is either a hero or villain, in the eyes of the American public, depending on which side of the great political divide you fall. And with pundits and commentators taking swipes at someone just because of what they do or where they live, what are people supposed to believe? Truth has become so uncertain. There is one thing however that’s glaringly obvious; the main stream media loves to paint all of the J6 protestors with the same brush, no nuance or regard for actual events that took place. The lopsided coverage of that day assumes that just being there is enough to be found guilty. Jacob was there, angry as all the others, and wanted nothing more than good old-fashion justice. In fact, the press coverage for Jacob was so skewed against him that a local newspaper in Colorado, The Gazette, pegged him in a picture that is clearly not Jacob. He is completely bald, and the guy circled in their article is plainly not that man.

One thing the press did get right is the timeline. True, Jacob was one of the first wave of protestors entering the Capital. The Capital Police did confront the small group he was a part of but there is no evidence or eye witnesses that reported any physical contact. Harsh words were spoken but no actual contact. Also, it’s worth to note that Jacob was carrying a board – a 2X4 – but never used it on any property or persons.
This ‘menacing’ action was enough for the press and federal prosecutors to dub him as ‘violent’. The internet commentors raked him over the coals without any facts. But to be clear, all Jacob did was trespass. Even after his conviction and sentencing the press still clung to the idea that he used the 2X4 as a weapon. One news outlet reported, “Jacob Travis Clark, who allegedly hit a police officer with a 2×4 wooden plank during the Jan 6. riot was sentenced Friday to nearly three years in prison.” But an even worse intense of journalistic misconduct, another online newspaper said, “Rioter Who Beat Capital Cop with 2X4 gets three years”. This statement, in every state in the union, any court of law, would consider this an actionable lie.
Jacob was arrested on April 21st, 2021 and arraigned a few days later. He was charged with one felony count, obstructing an official proceeding, and five misdemeanors that include; “entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly or disruptive conduct in a Capitol building or grounds; and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.” These minor charges are stacked together and leveled at all J6 defendants as sort of a judicial ‘lather, rinse, repeat.”
Two years passed by the time Jacob appeared for sentencing before U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich. He had earlier pleaded guilty to all 6 charges and chose a bench trial – all at the judge’s discretion, no jury. Judge Friedrich gave him 33 months in prison and 12 months of supervised release.
He requests prayers for his wife, Caren Chambers, and any letters expressing hope and encouragement mailed to;
Jacob Clark
FCI Oxford, Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 1000
Oxford, WI 53952
No givesendgo.com or other fund-raising account can be found at this time