Jake Lang
Jake Lang was born in Upstate New York in 1996. His family moved to Pennsylvania when Jake was a child. His father, Ned, was a City Councilman and a serial entrepreneur.
Jake was a champion wrestler at Delaware High School in Pike County, PA. After graduating in 2013, he pursued college at Hunter College in Manhattan but felt the pull of business and dropped out to follow in his father’s footsteps and start a business.
In 2014, Jake began a business “Harlem Pusher,” selling unique hats but finding it to be too small a market, he moved on to vaping products. In 2017, Jake launched an innovative online modeling agency called Social Model Management.
Sensing a need for a conservative social media platform, Jake then launched a Facebook-like platform called Liberty Centric. On Liberty Centric’s Instagram account, it is described as a free, USA-based, anti-censorship, anti-fact-checking virtual public square. Jake set two main rules for its users: post nothing illegal and “Love God with all your Heart.” Before his arrest, Jake promoted what appeared to be his newest venture: a line of religious-themed apparel called Christ Energy Forever.
Raised as a Christian, Jake leaned conservative. He believed in freedom and man’s right to become all he can be. Like millions of Americans, Jake was shocked to watch the election results on the evening of November 3, 2020. The six key swing counties all simultaneously stopped counting. Trump had a comfortable lead until they all resumed the count an hour later with hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots, swinging the win to Biden in the wee hours of November 4.
Jake responded to Trumps call to assemble peacefully on January 6th, 2021, to make concerned citizens voices heard.
Jake walked with the crowd towards the Capitol. As police threw tear gas in the crowd, mayhem began and several fellow patriots began to fall, have trouble breathing, and suffer. Jake began yelling at police to stop, and grabbed people who had fallen and were at risk of being trampled to death. Jake grabbed a bat from one of the fallen and attempted to push the crowd and the police away from those struggling. Roseanne Boylan died, Phillip Anderson did not. Phillip describes Jake’s efforts as “definitely saving my life.”
Jake was beaten by the police. He was furious and began to post soon after. “I was the leader of Liberty today,” under a photo he put on Facebook hours after the riot and later reproduced in the FBI statement. “Arrest me. You are on the wrong side of history.”
The FBI responded and arrested him ten days later. Jake has been in prison ever since. As a born leader, Jake has written a book, made a film, launched a podcast, and filed what could be a transformative lawsuit against the DOJ.
Jake posts on X formerly known as Twitter that he has been a prisoner, without trial, for 1090 days. Now much longer. His mother posted tearfully, that he has spent much of that time in solitary confinement, and reinterated that he saved at least one patriots life (Philip Anderson.)
The Patriot Act enables the DOJ to arrest anyone labeled a “domestic terrorist” (without defining it), throw them in prison without a trial nor an attorney forever. This is why Biden incessantly refers to Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists.” This is also the reason why the FBI labels both Moms and Catholics as “domestic terrorists.” With this label, they strip you of every one of your constitutional rights.
Jakes lawsuit, filed with co-defendants Garrett Miller and Joseph Fischer, made its way to the Supreme Court in 2023. On December 17th, SCOTUS agreed to take the case. The case revolves around the DOJ’s use of an arcane law, passed to prevent companies under investigation, such as Enron, from destroying evidence, which “obstructs the proceeding” of bringing such a company to trial. The reason the DOJ uses this arcane law is that this statute is a felony. The DOJ “stacks” charges of trespassing with disorderly conduct etcetera and then adds a felony which enables them to upgrade the misdemeanors to felonies. This maximizes the sentencing. The defendants say the statute, part of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, is not broad enough to apply to their cases.
The defendants were charged with obstruction for interrupting the joint session of Congress where lawmakers were certifying Electoral College votes.
The FBI made their case with numerous photos and videos posted by Lang and others who were at the Capitol that day. “In the video,” said one FBI agent’s affidavit, “Lang swung, thrusted, and/or jabbed the bat at law enforcement officers multiple times.” In doing so, Lang struck at least the shields the officers held in front of them. As the video progresses, others in the crowd assist in the attack, with some throwing items and one individual spraying the officers with a fire extinguisher.” What they don’t mention is that Jake was trying to save several protestors who had been hurt by the police tear gas or their batons.
Unlike most political prisoners, Jake refused to plead guilty and so he is still awaiting trial. He joined with two other prisoners to appeal the application of statute 1512 ‘obstructing a proceeding’ which was passed for financial crimes under Sarbanes Oxley. This is one reason why many think he is tortured more than others in the DC Gulag. He has been a victim of something called “Diesel Therapy” in which a prisoner is transfered for a couple days through many prisons where they are beaten, so that none of them are responsible.
Jake requests that you lift him in prayer and assist in his lawsuit in any way you can. Letters can be sent.
Not surprisingly, Jake has his own website full of interviews and a link to his movie: j6truth.org
DC CTF/CDF Inmate Mailing Address:
Edward Jacob Lang, #376444,
Smart Communications, Correctional Treatment Facility, DC-CTF,
1901 D St. SE,
Washington DC 20003

Birthday is 4/7.
Please note: Prisoner mail is reviewed by guards. Please keep messages of encouragement to a general and/or religious nature. For example, do not mention the events of Jan. 6th or other current events under criminal investigation.
Jake Lang’s Give Send Go can be found via: