Jeremy Brown

If ever there was a case of mislabeling a person, it’s the saga of Jeremy Brown.  A 48-year-old resident of Lutz, Florida where he ran a development company, worked as an engineer and even a licensed massage therapist.  Jeremy had several scrapes with the law as a teen and young man – drag racing, fighting and other offenses, but he turned his life around when he enlisted in the Army.  He became a member of the elite Green Berets and earned two Bronze Stars during his lengthy military career. Now he’s well known for serving his community helping kids and the less fortunate. 

But to the government, he’s painted as an insurrectionist. In his own words, “I am a 20-year US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant that served this nation honorably. In October of 1992, I swore to Almighty God that I would protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic; The Constitution that codifies the Rights that God granted us at birth. I have upheld the Oath as a Ranger, Green Beret, Fire Fighter, Citizen, Business Owner, Coach, US Congressional Candidate and now as a Prisoner of War.”

Knowing of his dedication to truth and justice, the FBI tapped him to help do their dirty work.  In December of 2020, he was contacted by the very government he served and given top security clearance to spy on his own countrymen.  From that secretive meeting, Jeremy said, “…they attempted to recruit me to be a Confidential Informant for the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces.  I was asked if I would be willing to collect information on law abiding American Citizens.  I refused, but I recorded the entire meeting.  In January 2021, I volunteered to be part of a Security Detail tasked with protecting speakers at the Jan 5th & 6th Stop the Steal Rallies in DC.” 

In the weeks following, it became clear why he’d been recruited.  His service to the country, his keen awareness of enemies in disguise and more.  But what tipped the scales was the misleading testimony of FBI Director Christopher Wray in front of Congress.  After seeing that, Jeremy felt he had to speak up and was willing to do so even though it would probably mean a brutal beatdown. On March 5th 2021, Jeremy went public with what he knew first hand and his professional opinion about what actually happened January 6th – not the official government narrative broadcast 24/7 by the compliant media. 

Once the word was out, Jeremy was soon arrested by the FBI. But the interesting part is, the J6 involvement was only a ruse to shut him down. The government’s attempt to silence and punish Jeremy then took a harsh turn.  When they raided his home, they found what police called, “unregistered weapons.”  In his mind, it was lawful to have them, still it would be used against him and Jeremy became a political prisoner to send a message to others. 

According to the law, Jeremy was an FBI Whistleblower and should have the same protection afforded to government and business malpractice Whistleblowers.  But he was not.  After the recording of that fateful meeting, the DOJ charged him with trespassing on the Capitol property even though he never entered the building! 

Jeremy was arrested at his Tampa home on Sept. 30, 2021, on the charges of trespassing at the Capitol but during a search of his RV, parked on the premises of his home lawn, law enforcement officials said they found two military grenades, two illegal guns, and a national security document.   But at trial, Jeremy admitted to owning the guns but claimed they were legal under the Second Amendment. He also testified that federal agents planted the grenades and other documents.  According to Jeremy, the only document in his possession was his own “work product” related to the search for former U.S. Army infantryman Bowe Bergdahl, a traitor who deserted his post in Afghanistan and joined the enemy – and they were not considered top secret.

Strangely enough, court documents and various news outlets reported that the January 6 protests were never mentioned during his six-day trial.  This is despite the fact that he was arrested on accusations of trespassing near the U.S. Capitol and engaging in disorderly conduct, both federal misdemeanors, that led to the federal trial in Tampa.  In short, he never entered the Capitol and was never accused of doing anything violent that day.

Jeremy was held for 18 months before his trial, without bail, in the Pinellas County, Florida jail due to a federal judge saying during the bond hearing that he “poses a danger to law enforcement officials.”  He also said that “no condition or combination of conditions of release will reasonably assure the safety of any other person and the community.”

At trial, Jeremy’s defense team successfully created reasonable doubt with the jurors on the four charges — that he possessed classified secret Defense Department records, all tied to a CD-ROM allegedly found at the time of the search of his RV. But there was no original photo taken of the CD from the search, nor was there any forensic evidence that he owned the CD.  It was the legal argument used by Roger Futerman, Jeremy’s defense attorney, that federal agents planted the CD and the two hand grenades found in his RV on Sept. 30th.  The prosecution could not prove that agents didn’t plant the evidence but still, he was found guilty on several other changes, mainly… illegally possession of unregistered guns.

As his day of sentencing grew closer, three Republican lawmakers from Pinellas County — U.S Reps. Anna Paulina Luna and Gus Bilirakis and state House Rep. Berny Jacques — wrote letters to the court requesting leniency for Brown.  “To my knowledge, Mr. Brown has never committed a violent crime and is known for his stellar community reputation,” Jacques wrote to Judge Bucklew on March 30. He asked that she consider his lack of a criminal record, his military service, and his “exemplary behavior” while incarcerated during the past 18 months.

These recommendations did not dissuade the judge.  Federal Judge Susan C. Bucklew sentenced Brown to 87 months in prison Friday followed by three years of supervised release. In addition, he was ordered to forfeit the unregistered devices traceable to the offense, back pay for to his ex-wife, Tiffany, for child support and a special assessment of $525.

From jail last year, Jeremy ran as a Republican for the Florida House District 62 seat located in parts of Hillsborough and Pinellas County against Democrat Michele Rayner-Goolsby even though it is an overwhelmingly Democratic-leaning district. He lost the race in November by almost 40 percentage points.  But at least he tried, just like the man his friends, family and fellow solider know him to be.  Jeremy is just not the kind of man who shrinks from a fight, and he will continue to do so until his conviction is overturned, commuted or he’s given a pardon.

Pray for him and his well-being, and send money to help with expenses and mostly, child-support. 

Write to him with words of encouragement but be warned, the jail staff reviews all incoming letters so please, no mention of his conviction or anything of that nature.

Jeremy Brown – ID#6131609

Citrus County Detention Facility

2604 W Woodleand Ridge Drive

Lecanto, FL 34461