John H. Strand

John Strand, 41, studied business management and administration at Aimes Community College, before launching a career as a security guard, creative director, model, and actor.  He has lived in Colorado, where he owned a home, and then California, before relocating to Naples, FL to become AFLDs (Americas Front Line Doctors) creative director.

Like millions of Americans, John was shocked by the sudden swing in vote counts on election night 2020 and early following day.  In the dead of night, six swing counties in which President Trump was ahead simultaneously stopped counting votes.  Early the next morning, the vote counts continued, but suddenly thousands of Biden ballots appeared, and Biden was comfortably in the lead in all six counties.  There has never been a satisfactory explanation.  It is well known that Democrats favor early voting, and Republicans tend to vote on election day; those “banked” Biden ballots should have been the first to be counted.

Responding to President Trump’s call to peacefully assemble on January 6th, 2021, John traveled to Washington, DC, with his employer, Dr. Simone Gold, to peacefully protest what they firmly believed to be a fraudulent 2020 election.  Following President Trump’s remarks to the assembled group of patriots near the White House,   John and Dr. Gold walked with the crowd toward the Capitol building. 

The government states that on January 6, 2021, John and his co-defendant, Simone Gold, marched from a rally near the White House to the U.S. Capitol, where they entered the grounds.  They made their way to the east side of the Capitol, where protestors moved past a defensive line set up by law enforcement.  John and Dr. Gold then made their way up the stairs to the East Rotunda Doors.  They were part of a group outside the doors and stood there for approximately 20 minutes, starting shortly after 2 p.m.  A group that had already entered the Capitol opened the East Rotunda Doors from the inside.

At that point, John and Dr. Gold moved inside the Capitol, going directly towards the House Chamber.  A line of police officers blocked a group gathered there from entering the House Chamber, where members were still inside.  At approximately 2:35 p.m., John and Dr. Gold were near the front of this group.  Since officers were there, the group was forced to leave that area a few minutes later. 

Before leaving the Capitol, John and Dr. Gold stopped in Statuary Hall, where Dr. Gold delivered a speech.  They were soon directed out of the area and moved to the Rotunda, where Dr. Gold again gave a speech criticizing covid lockdowns. They voluntarily left the building at approximately 3:16 p.m.

John was arrested in California on January 18, 2001. 

Before the trial, John’s attorney made a request for Judge Cooper to recuse himself, due to a conflict of interest; he was the judge in the case against Dr. Gold who had previously been found guilty.  The judge denied the request.  Additionally, John’s attorney filed a motion for a change of venue from Washington, DC, since the jury pool is documented to be poisoned against January 6 defendants.  During jury selection, several jurors stated that they believed that any person at the Capitol, or on the Capitol grounds, that day was guilty.  The motion for a change of venue was also denied. 

Following a jury trial, John was found guilty of the felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding (this is a financial crime involving the shredding of documents and is currently being challenged at the Supreme Court), as well as misdemeanor offenses of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

In the sentencing brief, John’s attorney wrote that, “Of the approximately 1,000 individuals who entered the United States Capitol on the afternoon of January 6, 2021, John Strand is, if culpable at all, certainly the least culpable of them all…his goal was not to cause violence.”

John was sentenced to 32 months in prison and ordered to pay a $10,000 fine. 

The mainstream media and some federal officials routinely label anyone associated with the January 6th protest as a “domestic terrorist” or “insurrectionist” despite the fact that the term “domestic terrorist” is not defined in the Patriot Act.  This allows them to destroy Constitutional rights, such as a speedy trial.  Likewise, no one associated with January 6th has ever been charged with, let alone convicted of, insurrection. 

You can find and listen to interviews with John here:

You can write to John here:

John Herbert Strand


FCI Oakdale 1

Federal Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 5000

Oakdale, LA 71463

Please note: Mail received by prisoners is monitored.  Please keep your messages to general encouragement and/or a religious nature.  It is best to not mention the events of January 6th, politics in general, or any event or events currently under criminal investigation.