Jonathan Mellis

Back in 2020, Jonathan Mellis decided to quit his 9-5 job and ‘see the world’. It’s not uncommon for a 34-year-old who’s been working for a decade to question his or her life-track and then reevaluate.  Jon wanted to end up in Europe and study to be an elite butler there to find a path for his life more suited to his talents and goals.  Little did he know that before that would ever happen, he’d become the poster child for prosecutorial, judicial and political abuse in America.

His story reads like a twisted tale from the dust bin of communist corruption.  Regardless of what the main-stream-media has to say about Jon and his cohorts, he is a patriot and has been involved in the community service in his hometown for years.  He’s even volunteered at the Lebanon, Tennessee Senior Citizens Center, Special Olympics Nashville, Ronald MacDonald House, and The Chive in Nashville. He loves people and truly respects law enforcement. 

He attended a Trump rally in December of 2020, where he met a woman and fell in love.  She later spoke at a J6 rally outside the DC Gulag in September of 2021 protesting the inhumane treatment that Jonathan received at the hands of the prison system.

Here’s what went down on January 6th according to Jonathan and eye witnesses; he was headed to the west terrace of the Capital when his group was confronted by heavily armed police.  A tug-of-war for positioning began during which the police used overly aggressively methods to beat back the crowd, leaving many hurting. Jonathan went to help when he heard screams from another protestor on the ground.  Body camera video evidence shows, which was withheld by law enforcement for several months, Rosanne Boyland being brutally beaten by a metro police officer.  The beating was so harsh that the riot stick used on her head broke in half! She was already lifeless on the ground when Jon arrived, but there was another woman struggling for life, as well as a downed policeman.  People were screaming “I can’t breathe!”  and “There’s a woman dying!”  Coming to their aid, Jon was later perceived as “an imminent threat” as one officer testified later in court.  Police claim he was attacking an officer after running to the aid of Boyland’s friend, who is seen on video calling for help and screaming “She’s dead, she’s dead!”  And further, the record states that Jonathan was seen on video shouting to the other protestors, “Keep him safe!” referring to a police officer who’d fallen into the crowd.

Soon two people fingered him as being at the Capital on that day and he was arrested without incident on January 26th, 2021. Jonathan was arraigned and charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers using a dangerous weapon.

That would be enough, considering he didn’t harm anyone or destroy any government property.  But that was just the start of his downward spiral.  Jonathan is one of the “Jan Sixers” who was held in 11 months of pre-trial detention under 23-hour lockdown, placed without justification for 35 days in solitary confinement and denied attendance to his father’s funeral, a decorated Veteran of the Vietnam war.  In Jonathan’s own words: Through months of solitary confinement—which only eased a little as the months went by, but are back to strict 22-hour lockdown—and random cell doors being opened in the middle of the night to have us (other J6 inmates) zip-tied and beaten by correctional officers… through all of the improper dietary nutrition and lack of even video visitation we have been there for each other. None of us have seen the faces of our loved ones in almost a year. No haircuts or shaves either. The mold is rampant in our cells and the plumbing is constantly leaking. Our lives have been a living hell.”

To avoid too much attention towards the abuse, J6 inmates like Jonathan are moved from facility to facility, often moving them several times before their trial even starts, in the prison system this form of torture is known as “diesel therapy.”  Once his trial did start however, Jonathan’s legal team thought it was best to plead guilty for a lesser sentence than to fight the charges and get more if convicted. And a conviction was a foregone conclusion. Every J6 participant has been convicted, most on all counts but no one, not one soul, has been found innocent.  Jonathan has formed close bonds with the other J6 residents and wants people on the outside to know this;

The mainstream media has lied about us so much it would be comical if it weren’t so dangerous to our very safety and well-being. We are good men, I promise. We are not racists. We are not extremists. We love God. We have big hearts and we give everyone a fair chance. When we first walked into this DC jail, we were CLEARLY the target of hate by the correctional officers. Even though we are the most well behaved and respectful inmates this jail has ever seen, we were the subject of the guard’s abuse. Lockdowns, threats, beatings, and general neglect. The lies spread by the mainstream media directly affect how we are treated. We are seen as less than human because we are Trump supporters. They call us deplorables, racists, and extremists. We are accused of trying to overthrow the US government for Nazis, which is stupid and disgusting on so many levels. The mainstream media lies about us and then ignores our own voices.”

Jonathon was sentenced on December 20th of 2023 to 51 months behind bars, plus 3 years Supervised Release and assessments and fines totaling $22,100 Special Assessment. There is hope however.  A D.C. Court Of Appeals recently determined that many of the J6 convictions were given wrongfully long sentences.  Pray for retrials, mistrials and that “time served” will allow these men and women to return home and back to life. Or that the next President finds a pardon for Jonathan and those like him. 

His birthday is November 12th.

Pray for Jonathan.  Write to him with words of encouragement at;

Jonathan Mellis

#30136-509 USP Atlanta

U.S. Penitentiary P.O. Box 150160 

Atlanta GA 30315

To send money to help pay his legal bills;

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