Joseph Biggs

Forty-year-old Joseph Biggs lived in Ormond Beach, Florida and is the father of the daughter featured in the photo above.  Joe is an American veteran, media personality, and conservative correspondent.

Joe is also a United States Army combat veteran.  He suffered a traumatic brain injury during a deployment to Iraq, for which he received a Purple Heart.  Unfortunately, he was involved in a gruesome “suicide-bombing incident” which likely caused him trauma. In 2007, he was stationed at Fort Bragg when arrested for domestic violence. Joe’s separation from the Army was due to a medical retirement after eight years enlisted. After serving in the United States Army and suffering a traumatic brain injury, Biggs began working as a correspondent for various conservative media organizations, including InfoWars and Censored.TV. He was also a leader for the Proud Boys group.

Joseph ‘Joe’ Biggs is the poster child for being a mislabeled and slandered man. Joe admittedly had some anger issues when he returned from the Middle East.  He was arrested in Austin, Texas for assaulting a peace officer while drunk. However, a grand jury refused to issue an indictment. On social media, Joe had much to say about groups bent on degrading our country.  While working as a correspondent for InfoWars, Joe covered the 2015 Ferguson riots, 2016 occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, and the 2015 San Bernardino attack. The radical groups behind these events were given cover (protected) by the mainstream media but, to observers who looked behind the curtain and know what we know now, all were basically domestic terror groups.   Joe’s part in reporting the truth ruffled lots of feathers and again, put a target on his back. 

Joe and his friends felt that there must be a strong, masculine presence to counter the ever growing, violent leftist groups. This is what led him to become one of the organizers of the Proud Boys.  Proud Boys was started by the founder of Vice magazine as a reaction to the feminization of culture, a pro-masculine group. After their formation it didn’t take long for the legacy media to tag them as a, “far-right, neo-Nazi, extremists”.  Now they were on the radar the media focused on them as a nefarious group helping foment the chaos. 

But the event that truly demonized the Proud Boys was their involvement in the Portland Federal Courthouse attack by Antifa, the fascist group.  Joe and the Proud Boys set up an “End Domestic Terrorism” rally in Portland, Oregon that infuriated Portland Mayor, Ted Wheeler, who roundly condemned Federal troops for using tear gas but which kept the courthouse from being burnt down by Antifa.

Now the entire media complex latched on to the description that the Proud Boys were White Supremacists, misogynists and other derogatory labels.  And Joe was right in the middle of it all.

Soon after he filed a police report with the Volusia County sheriff’s office upon receiving  threatening phone calls and social-media messages, and requested police protection. His identity in connection with the report was obfuscated under Marsy’s Law.  And in a twist of irony, Joe’s lawyer, Daniel Hull, reported that in July 2020, the FBI approached his client and enlisted his assistance collecting on-the-ground intelligence about ANTIFA activists.

Joe attended the January 6 protest and did enter the Capitol that day, let in as the doors were opened by the time he arrived.

On January 18 2021, Joe was interrogated by the FBI and admitted entering the building, but said he did not force his way inside. Then on January 20, 2021, he was arrested in Florida and charged with knowingly entering a restricted building without lawful authority; obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding, the felony statute being challenged in the Supreme Court being used to upgrade misdemeanors and maximize sentencing; and willfully and knowingly engaging in disorderly conduct to impede a session of Congress.  At his initial court appearance, he did not enter a plea so Judge Embry Kidd released him to home detention, a move that is not afforded to dangerous criminals.

In 2023, Joe had a lengthy, three month trial, then on May 4th of 2023, he was found guilty of seditious conspiracy; obstructing an official proceeding and criminal conspiracy thereto; conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties; interference with law enforcement during civil disorder; and destruction of government property. Judge Kelly ruled that Joe’s destruction of a fence separating rioters and police qualified the defendant for “a terrorism sentencing enhancement sought by prosecutors”, while enhancements are often used to extend sentences, this particular one has been struck down by an appellant court.  But that doesn’t stop the DOJ. The DOJ has said they will not reduce any sentences as a result of that ruling and asked for a 33-year sentence. Prior to sentencing, Joe apologized to the court, blaming his actions on personal and familial difficulties and conceded that “I know that I have to be punished and I understand”.

On August 31, 2023 Judge Kelly sentenced Joe to 17 years – one of the harshest so far of all the J6 protestors – with the terrorist enhancements, although again the DOJ said they will ignore any appellant rulings on these enhancements used for those like Joe who were part of the Proud Boys. This fits the left-wing mantra that straight, white men that vote Republican are the most dangerous people in the United States.  The judge noted prior offenders who were found guilty of seditious conspiracy had all murdered people, attempted to murder masses of people, bombed or attempted to bomb buildings and committed other violent crimes that resulted in mass casualty.  This was the type of criminals that Joe would now be associated with.  He sobbed at the verdict and sentence.  Joe is hoping for a sentence reduction or pardon if Trump is reelected.  Pray for Joe and write to encourage him:

Joseph Biggs


Federal Correctional Institution

565 East Renfroe Road

Talladega, Alabama 35160


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