Justin Jersey

33-year-old Justin Jersey is a Flint, Michigan resident and a father of four, which includes a special needs toddler.  Justin is engaged to his sweetheart. Yes, the same Flint, Michigan that is infamous for having the entire city water system contaminated with lead and other harmful contaminants.  Justin says what others from the city have repeated many times – it has never been completely cleaned up. It’s still toxic just not as bad.  And of course, some Michigan government bureaucrats did a study and decided that systemic racism was the root cause.  So, as you can imagine, he has very little trust for governmental bodies being forthright and keeping their word when promising to do something.  Justin got off easy. He only suffered some bad skin rashes.  Others in Flint were not so fortunate.

When he heard of “the steal” Justin knew it was time take action and not sit back.  Too many people sitting back and doing nothing, other than complaining, and to Justin’s mind this is what has allowed our government run amok.  The system is broken and can only be fixed when masses of people protest and demand action.  That was his thinking when he decided to travel to Washington D.C. and attend the rallies.  He was not disappointed, especially with the size of the crowd. 

Once the speeches were over, he headed towards the capital. In the archway, Justin and his group encountered police, urging them to turn back. They did not heed the orders assuming that the government buildings belonged to “the people” and their taxes maintained and paid for them. But they were not welcome, as everyone now knows. This was the place and time that the ‘official story’ of Justin’s story and the DOJ’s diverge.

According to the Justice Department, “According to court documents, on Jan. 6, (Justin) Jersey was part of a mob that confronted law enforcement officers at an archway leading into the Capitol Building from the Lower West Terrace. At approximately 4:26 p.m., Jersey was on the steps leading to the Archway and carrying a large, gnarled stick. He raised the stick behind his head and moved towards the Archway. Jersey eventually gave the stick to another rioter, but at 4:27 p.m., he sprang at the line of officers who were positioned at the opening of the Archway.  He grabbed one officer’s face, knocking the officer to the ground, then grappled with the officer over the officer’s baton.”

Justin claims that is not what happened.  The police launched into them with brute force, using batons and tear gas and every non-lethal weapon they could muster.  Someone near him was knocked to the ground and an officer started beating him without mercy, out of control.  Justin jumped over a couple of people on the ground and grabbed the baton and wrestled it away after a short scuffle.  From Justin’s recollection, he did not threaten any officers with a gnarled stick.  This is a common element to the government’s cases against Justin and all the J6ers.  Exaggerate, over emphasize, and obfuscate what really happened. Conviction and long sentences is the DOJs goal and nothing will stop them.

He was arrested at this home in Flint on December 2nd 2021 after a former girlfriend identified him.  Sedition Hunters, an FBI website set up by unemployed single women with nothing else to do but hunt the internet for image matches of J6ers, had some pictures of Justin on their site, asking for help.  Internet detectives even gave him a nickname, “Fingerman”.  This was not because of the tattoo on his finger but that he gave the police “the finger” when confronted.  At arraignment Justin was charged with seven crimes, including assault, civil disorder, entering and remaining in a restricted building with a deadly or dangerous weapon, disorderly and disruptive conduct, violent entry, and engaging in physical violence.  The DOJ claimed that Justin participated in the assault of a Metropolitan Police Department officer, then armed himself with a baton, which he used to strike at other officers.  In translation, Justin grabbed the baton used to beat an unarmed man senseless, and used it on the officer.

At trial, his court appointed attorney Alfred Guillaume, pushed back on the government’s narrative.  One allegation was that Justin removed a cumbersome backpack to have more mobility to fight the police better.  However, Mr. Guillaume says that his client was actually trying to help two people nearby that were described in official memos as being in “medical distress.”  It did not however, persuade the judge and jury, who typically are all government employed Democrats.  He was found guilty on all charges.

Now he sits in jail and cannot provide for his kids and fiancé, Diane.  His biggest desire is to take care of them and of course, get an early release so he’s able to provide financially.  He will serve 57 months and pay restitution of $33,000. 

In a phone interview with a patriot group that organized to offer support and comfort to the J6ers, he said, “We’re trying to keep our spirits up, it’s really hard, easy to get down, we’re all missing their families – any words of encouragement help.” His prison houses 5 other political prisoners and as you’d expect, they’ve formed a tight bond.

Justin Jersey #76725-509

FCI Milan

PO Box 1000

Milan, MI 48160