Kyle Fitzsimmons
Like all of the protestors on January 6th, Kyle Fitzsimmons of Lebanon, Maine, a 39-year-old father and butcher, was upset at “The Steal”. He came to Washington DC to let his voice be heard along with thousands of others. Kyle was counting on the fact that there was power in numbers as well as safety in numbers, but he never thought that things would escalate to violence.
Kyle and his fellow patriots left President Trump’s speech and headed towards the capital. Police in riot gear, armed with lethal and non-lethal weapons were waiting. What happened next is a study in two opposing sides seeing things very differently. But Kyle’s account of what happened in the next few minutes – was captured on film – film that the government courts will not allow the public to see. Heading towards the tunnel entrance of the lower west terrace that opened onto the Capitol, Kyle found himself face-to-face with black clad troops wielding shields and batons. This ugly reception only amplified the crowd’s restlessness.
Police pushed them back, dousing them with tear gas and bear spray. Kyle was knocked to the ground. And that point he was being crushed by people falling on top of him. In the heaving mass of people, Kyle could not get his footing; the concrete being wet from the spray as people were sliding and falling all around him. When he did manage to get to his feet, Kyle was angry at the way they’d all been assaulted. In his mind, they were peacefully exercising their right to protest and enter the buildings their tax dollars paid for. Not only were they denied but police were using overkill methods. As they moved forward, that’s when he encountered Sergeant Aquilino Gonell.
Gonell said under oath that Kyle assaulted him by pushing on his shield, causing a career ending shoulder injury. But from video footage of the events, played in slow motion over and over in court months later, it was clear that Kyle never even touched the shield. It could only be the sheer weight of the pulsing throng of the crowd somehow rammed his arm holding the shield hard enough to cause injury. During that same encounter at the entrance to the tunnel, Kyle was bashed in the head with a police baton. Luckily, he was snatched up by a rescue squad and taken to DC hospital for his injuries.
Kyle was arrested and went to trial before a judge only, known as a bench trial. Unlike the J6 committee hearings, the defendants were allowed to tell their side and of the story – more importantly – their lawyers were allowed to cross-examine the prosecutions’ witnesses. Officer Gonell took the stand and Kyle’s lawyer, who happens to be a liberal Democrat, went after him, as was her job. Natasha Taylor-Smith cross examined Gonell after he testified that Kyle Fitzsimmons was indeed the man that caused his alleged “shoulder injury”. Gonell testified that he was permanently maimed, forcing him into retirement from the Capitol Police. In more than one instance, he broke down in tears and described himself as a hero, and victim of these “insurrectionists”. He testified, under oath, that he remembers his seconds long encounter with Fitzsimons on January 6th, saying he violently pulled his shield down causing the debilitating injury. But the video does not show that. As Taylor-Smith pressed Gonell, his story started to fall apart, to the point of verging on perjury. But this needs to be noted that, instead of being admonished, Sargent Gonell has a pending book deal entitled, “An American Treason: How One Immigrant Saved Democracy”. Gonell also admitted under oath that he still calls the FBI to report January 6th crimes that he hears about. Seems that in his retirement, Gonell is making a business out of being a victim, a shill for the January 6th Committee and courts that wrongfully incarcerate defendants, in spite of evidence.
The legal system, stacked against Kyle and all the J6 protestors, ignored all the inconsistencies in the prosecutions’ key witness and found him guilty on all counts. He was sentenced to 7 years in prison and 3 subsequent years of supervised release as well as monetary restitution. This means that, as a proud and loving father, Kyle will not truly get to see his daughter until she is in middle school. Kyle needs your help and prayers to deal with the fall out of this travesty of justice.
Note from a J6 Support Group:
Kyle Fitzsimons has been using his money to help Mason and Daniel at his facility since they’re on restriction. In turn he hasn’t been able to get things he needs. Mainly tennis shoes and more clothing. His number is 29018509 for western union. I’m not sure which day is his commissary day, but for him being so selfless and helping his brothers, any amount would be very helpful to him for his own use. I was able to send a little via western Union but any additional help would be appreciated. This facility also charges every time they send a message. He is also trying to get a reading lamp.

Kyle Fitzsimmons with his 3-year-old daughter
To donate to his cause of caring for his daughter and other expenses while incarcerated, https://www.bop.gov/inmates/communications.jsp#money
To mail Kyle letters of encouragement and hope;
FCI Coleman Low Inmate Mailing Address:
Kyle Fitzsimons,
FCI Coleman Low,
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1031
Coleman, FL, 33521