Kyle Young

Kyle Young is a family man and a hard-working HVAC technician.  He is a loving husband to his wife Andrea and a father of four.  Kyle has always provided for his family, and he and Andrea purchased a home in order to provide stability for their family.  They live in the small town of Redfield, IA. 

Like millions of Americans, Kyle was shocked by the sudden swing in vote counts on election night 2020 and the following day.  In the dead of night, six swing counties in which President Trump was ahead simultaneously stopped counting votes.  Early the next morning, the vote counts continued, but suddenly thousands of Biden ballots appeared, and Biden was comfortably in the lead in all six counties.  There has never been a satisfactory explanation.  It is well known that Democrats favor early voting, and Republicans tend to vote on election day; those “banked” Biden ballots should have been the first to be counted.

Responding to President Trump’s call to peacefully assemble on January 6th, 2021, Kyle and his 16-year-old son traveled to Washington, DC to protest what they firmly believed to be a fraudulent 2020 election.  Following President Trump’s remarks to the assembled group of patriots near the White House, Kyle and his son walked with the crowd toward the Capitol building.  In his own words, Kyle and his son were, “swept up” in the events that very quickly unfolded. 

According to court documents, Kyle briefly touched the wrist (2-3 seconds) of DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone after he had fallen, took Fanone’s taser, and gave it to another protestor who used it.  Officer Fanone was beaten by some in the crowd, but not by Kyle.  Fanone later suffered a heart attack and has since retired from the force. 

It was also alleged that Kyle participated in a violent struggle in a tunnel leading from the West Front Terrace into the Capitol building, by pointing a strobe light at officers, throwing a speaker toward them, and striking officers with a pole. 

Kyle originally faced a dozen charges, ranging from obstructing an official proceeding, to robbery, to civil disorder, to assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers, to acts of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings, to disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building. 

Kyle pleaded guilty to one charge: Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers.  In his plea agreement, Kyle admitted that he briefly grabbed Fanone’s arm (2-3 seconds), which prevented him from reaching his radio or sidearm.  This is where Democrat prosecutors ensnare January 6th patriots.  Assaulting an officer is a felony. 

All other charges against Kyle were dismissed. 

Since Kyle pleaded guilty, there was no trial, only a sentencing hearing.  At that hearing, Fanone took the stand and told the court, “The assault on me by Mr. Young cost me my career.  It cost me my faith in law enforcement and many of the institutions I dedicated two decades of my life to serving.”  Addressing Kyle directly, Fanone spat bitterly, “I hope you suffer” in prison. 

Prior to sentencing, Kyle took the stand and addressed Fanone.  Kyle asked for forgiveness, saying, “I know how much you have hurt over what happened to you, and I am so, so sorry.  If I could take it back, I would.”  Kyle further stated to the court that he deeply regrets that he hasn’t been able to be with his four children for the 18 months he was in pre-trial confinement and jail prior to sentencing, and that he’s sorry that his children have to carry the burden of having a father in prison. 

Before sentencing, the judge in the case received numerous letters from Kyle’s friends and family members attesting to his character and dedication to his family. 

Kyle was sentenced on September 27, 2022, to 86 months (just over 7 years) in jail, with three years of supervised release, a fine of $1,000, and restitution to be determined later. 

The mainstream media and some federal officials routinely label anyone associated with the January 6th protest as a “domestic terrorist” or “insurrectionist” despite the fact that the term “domestic terrorist” is not defined in the Patriot Act.  This allows them to destroy Constitutional rights, such as a speedy trial.  Likewise, no one associated with January 6th has ever been charged with, let alone convicted of, insurrection. 

Kyle has stated on “Justice In Jeopardy” with Mel Hawley, that despite his conviction, some Leftists have found his 9-year-old daughter’s phone number and have called her, yelled at her, and left her vile and profanity-laden messages. 

Kyle’s birthday is April 7.

This is his givesendgo page: GiveSendGo – Free Kyle Young: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising.

My husband Kyle Young was arrested on April 14, 2021 in connection to the January 6 protest. The FBI came to our home and took Kyle in front of our children. Kyle is loving father and a wonderful husband. He is an innocent man. He is facing 12 charges. We have four children that really need their father back. They are ages 17, 13, 8, and 1. He was immediately denied release. My husband no longer has his job to support us. My job isn’t enough to pay all our bills and I am afraid we could lose our home. Any help we get will make sure my children and I can stay in our family home, pay for Kyles defense, help us keep in touch with Kyle and make sure he can get food while he is jailed. Kyle lost 17 pounds in the first month and a half of being incarcerated. Please pray for us.

You can write to Kyle here:

Kyle Young
#39706-509 FCI Forrest City Medium
Federal Correctional Institution 
P.O. Box 3000
Forrest City, AR 72336

Please note: Mail received by prisoners is monitored.  Please keep your messages to general encouragement and/or a religious nature.  It is best to not mention the events of January 6th, politics in general, or any event or events currently under criminal investigation. 

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