Landon Mitchell

Landon was a 33-year-old single man with conservative beliefs, living the good life in Montgomery, Texas, a small town 50 miles northwest of Houston. He had an active social media presence, and was not ashamed to exercise his right to free speech. Landon frequently utilized Facebook as a platform to inform, update, and educate his followers about the voter fraud and rigged election results of the 2020 elections. He not only voiced his beliefs but had the courage to demonstrate them by participating in numerous rallies throughout Trump’s election campaign and presidency alongside his former co-worker and fellow patriot, Luke Wesley Bender. 

Driven by their convictions to defend our freedoms and uphold the Constitution, Landon and Luke traveled to join other patriots at the State Capitol on Jan 6 for the “March to Save America” rally. After Trump’s speech at the Ellipse, they joined the other rallygoers to peacefully and patriotically protest at the Capitol Building.

As they proceeded to exercise what they believed was their right to enter the State Capitol—a public building—for a peaceful protest, they discovered that police officers had established a barricade to block their entry. Along with others from the crowd, Landon and Luke attempted to circumvent the police barricade by climbing up the scaffolding that had been put up for the inauguration. Neither Landon nor Luke pushed or broke any barriers nor engaged in violence of any kind. Instead, they followed along, led by the shouts and encouragements from others in the crowd, which, as we have since learned, included not just Trump supporters but also hundreds of undercover agents and individuals associated with Antifa.

Landon and Luke followed others into the Capitol Building through the Upper West Terrace.  The door was open, and as videos since released attest, people were peacefully walking in and out for a while.  They proceeded through the Rotunda, headed down the East Front Corridor, through the Ohio Clock Corridor, and visited the Senate Chamber with others in the crowd.  Congressman Clay Higgins has explained the Capitol building is like a maze, so the FBI had Trump-clad agents waiting to lead the protestors to the “right” rooms to underscore the insurrection narrative.  While on the Senate Floor, Landon picked up a document on one of the desks and began looking at it. They also took “selfies” from the Senate floor, including pictures at the Senate Dais and next to the QAnon Shaman, Jacob Chansley.  Landon and Luke exited the Chamber when the U.S. Capitol Police officers directed them and the others to do so. They were inside the Senate Chamber for a total of five minutes.

The next day, Jan 7, Landon posted a statement to his Facebook page that read: “Absolutely proud of my fellow Americans who made their voices heard at the Capitol.” Luke posted a video captioned: “Today was something special if you were there. It was great to be a part of it.” These social media posts, as well as tips from a former high school classmate, led the FBI to confirm the identities of Landon and Luke. Neither Landon nor Luke thought they were doing anything illegal. There is even video footage of Luke joining other men in prayer on the Senate Floor. 

Luke was arrested by the FBI on July 29 in his hometown, Fairfax, Virginia. He identified Landon during an interview following his arrest. Landon was arrested on October 20 in his hometown, Arlington, Virginia. Despite Montgomery, TX being Landon’s most recent residence, the reasons behind his arrest in Virginia, as opposed to Texas, remain undisclosed. Landon was released on his own recognizance. He was indicted on 12/8/21 with Obstruction of Congress, knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, disorderly and disruptive conduct in any restricted building or grounds, entering and remaining on the floor of either house of Congress, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

Unlike an ordinary trial, Landon and Luke agreed to a stipulated bench trial and were found guilty by Judge Beryl A. Howell. On Dec. 7, 2022, Landon and Luke were sentenced in the District of Columbia on felony and misdemeanor charges to 27 months. Luke was sentenced to 21 months for obstruction of an official proceeding (This is the felony statute being challenged at the Supreme Court because it is part of a financial crime bill meant to felonize the shredding of documents.) The DOJ uses this statute so they can upgrade other charges and maximize the sentence. The DOJ also “stacks” as many misdemeanors as possible; trespassing, disorderly conduct, etc., again to maximize the sentence.  Judge Beryl A. Howell also ordered 36 months of supervised release and $2,000 restitution for each defendant.

Landon needs our encouragement and prayers.

FCI Beaumont Medium Inmate Mailing Address:

Landon Mitchell, #70528-509,

FCI Beaumont Medium,

Federal Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 26040

Beaumont, TX 77720

Please note: Prisoner mail is reviewed by guards. Please keep messages of encouragement to a general and/or religious nature. For example, do not mention the events of Jan. 6th or other current events under criminal investigation.