Michael Perkins

Michael Perkins is the kind of man you want on your team.  A resident of Plant City, Florida, he’s a devout Christian, passionate about his faith, sharing the gospel with others, as well as a humble leader.  When Michael was young, he had some trouble with the law.  But once he devoted his life to God, he became a different man, met a Christian woman, got married and had children.  Michael and his wife are raising their kids in the faith.  Michael and Brittany even take a week off in the summer to lead vacation bible school at their church.  But they had seen over the years the creeping influence of leftist agendas working its way into the local school curriculum.  They decided to remove their kids and homeschool them. Brittany quit her job to instruct them around the same time Michael left his job as a manager for an electrical company to start his own business as a handyman

Michael, together with a few friends, his wife and kids went to D.C. for the rallies and speech of President Trump. He’d never been that interested or paid much attention to politics, but felt that an outsider like Donald Trump was helping to expose all the evil and corruption that had been going on for decades.  Now he wanted the chance to hear from the President first hand and also, share the gospel.  He’s already been to D.C. to attend another rally that was more focused on prayer than confrontation

“On December 12, 2020, I attended a stop the steal rally in Washington D.C. along with a friend where we went to pray on the steps of the capitol for our nation,” said Michael, “when President Trump invited everyone to January 6, I was confident it was safe enough to bring my wife and daughter along with 16 other friends and church members, some of whom were elderly. We felt it was our duty as Christian Americans to go and pray and support the President of the United States. We thought it was a great opportunity to let our voices be heard.”

But things got out of hand quickly, something that Michael saw unfolding, “As we got closer to the Capitol, we saw a bus pull up and load off a bunch of people wearing Trump shirts and hats, all of which seem to be between the age of 18 to 30 and did not seem at all like Trump supporters. I now believe they were Antifa and undercover Feds.  As we arrived to the West Terrace of the Capitol we began to sing and we were having a good time.  Shortly after arriving, it was sudden chaos. There was teargas and pepper spray being sprayed at us. Explosions of gas going off in the crowd. People started pushing us, and in the midst of all the chaos, we were separated. My 14-year-old daughter was crying hysterically out of fear as she was pepper sprayed and gassed by Capitol Police. She was puking and gasping to breath but the chemicals filled the air and you couldn’t escape it.”

In the middle of the pandemonium, a policewoman fell.  Michael instinctively reached down to help her up.  He says, “another officer rushed in to help her as they began to spray me again. I bent down to grab my flag, and the officer rushed towards me as I stood up, but he was looking in the opposite direction and ran into my flag and then he punched me in the eye.”  At trial, the officer he allegedly assaulted, testified that he didn’t even know he’d been “assaulted” until he saw the footage in the courtroom.  But there’s more. 

Michael’s wife Brittiany reported that at trial, the prosecution doctored footage to make it seem like Michael was kicking the officer on the ground.  In reality, he was kicking at a man to get off the fallen officer.  They threw everything they could at him including defamation of character.  In press releases from government sources reads, “A federal prosecutor described the 37-year-old as having one of the most serious capitol riot cases.”  Assault with a dangerous or deadly weapon is a major felony – a flag pole – where no hard evidence of corroborating testimony proves he was using the pole with malicious intent.  Because of the ‘assault’ charge all Michael’s misdemeanors were upgraded to felonies.The DOJ has done this with most J6rs so they can maximize the sentence.  It gets worse. 

On June 30th, 2021, federal authorities swept down on him as if he was Osama Bin Laden himself.  Forty plus FBI swat and Homeland Security agents raided his home at 5:45 AM using percussion grenades and flash bangs. Michael and his family were walked out at gunpoint by agents using threats and abusive words. Shameful behavior for any adult male. Michael was arraigned andchose abench trial with no jury. They asked for a change of venue due to the fact of the tainted jury pool in D.C. But like all the dozens of other J6 change of venue requests, it was denied.  Out of thousands of American court venues, DC is the worst for Republicans.Michael pled not guilty on all charges;assaulting, resisting or impeding officers or employees, aiding and abetting, theft of government property, entering restricted grounds and buildings, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on capital grounds.

Unsurprisingly, Michael was found guilty on all counts. The jury only deliberated for 2.5 hours, which included an hour for lunch.  Not a surprise since 98% of the Washington D.C. jury pool are Democrats and most work for the government.  Governmental workers are some of the only people who get paid jury duty leave. Also, many of the J6 defendants were tried by the same jurors how convicted them of all charges, in some cases, as quickly as one hour of deliberation.

Michael was sentenced to April 17th, 2023 to 48 months in jail and three years of supervised release.  In jail, he was bounced from one facility to another.  Many have reported that this practice (known as “diesel therapy”) was common for J6ers so that abusive jail guards could not be reported or held accountable for their actions, and it happens over and over again. This has been reported repeatedly but so far, the DOJ has not been interested in investigating.  Many believe that this is intentional.  According to Brittany, in one of the temporary facilities that Michael was transferred to, he was given only a rancid baloney sandwich for an entire day.  That sandwich gave him food poisoning and he was sick for days.

Michael is the sole provider for his family and life without him was going to be harsh for Brittany and their son and daughter.  They continue to pray that true justice will overturn this incredibly harsh sentence which is, in essence, is punishment for simply being there. 

“I am not the man the media has portrayed me to be. I am not a terrorist or an insurrectionist that was threatening our democracy that day. I am an average hard-working American that lives paycheck to paycheck to provide for my family. I put my whole heart into my faith, my family, and my country and clearly must be the very threat they see. If that’s the case, and if you fall into any of those categories, you’re a threat as well,” says Michael.  Truer words have not been spoken about the arrests and unjust court proceedings of the J6 protestors.

Pray for Michael and his family and to encourage him, write to:

Michael Steven Perkins

# 52912-509

FCI Coleman Low Federal Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 1031

Coleman, FL 33521

But becarefulwhenyouwrite.  Prison officialsreadyourletters and willpunish Michael for anythingyousay about J6 or the justice system.

To give money to help pay for legal and other expenses, https://www.givesendgo.com/G9UJG

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