Michael Scott Lockwood
Michael Scott Lockwood was born in October 1990 and was raised by his mother Bridget Flores in Ohio. As an adult, he was a principal in Ohio Supreme Investments, LLC.
In 2021, upset by the recent election results, and the accusations of cheating in the voting precincts, Michael decided to attend the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th, 2021, in Washington, D.C. He wanted to hear President Trump speak. After the speech was over, Michael made his way to the west side of the U.S. Capitol Building.
At around 3:45 p.m., Michael was on the northwest riser of the inaugural amphitheater. At 4:23 p.m., tear gas was deployed onto the risers by the Metro Police Department (MPD). Officers began clearing the platform. During the confusion of being hit with tear gas, Michael got into an altercation with someone trying to forcibly move him. He grabbed what turned out to be an officer’s baton and jumped off the platform to escape the scuffle. He returned to Ohio.
Michael was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) officers on December 15th, 2022. He was charged with a felony (assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers) as well as several ‘stackable’ misdemeanors designed to increase prison time when sentenced. He entered a ‘not guilty’ plea to all charges at his arraignment. Michael was released on personal recognizance one week later. He had a $20,000 unsecured bond, had to surrender his passport, agree not to obtain travel documents, submit a DNA sample, notify law enforcement of any update to his address or phone number, not possess a gun or drugs, avoid interaction with any witness or victim in the investigation and report regularly to the U.S. Pretrial Department.
On July 24, 2023, Michael changed his plea to guilty for the felony charge of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers. Several family members and friends wrote character letters for Michael, including his mom, Bridget Flores. She explained that his behavior on that day was “completely out of character for him” and that the “incident does not define his true character.” On November 6th, 2023, Judge Randolph D. Moss sentenced Michael to 1 year and 1 day in prison, followed by 3 years of supervised release. He was also ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution.

Michael’s release date is November 9th, 2024. You can write to Michael at:
Michael Scott Lockwood
FCI Elkton
Federal Correctional Facility
PO Box 10
Libson, OH 44482
Please note: Prisoner mail is reviewed by guards. Please keep messages of encouragement to a general and/or religious nature. For example, do not mention the events of Jan. 6th or other current events under criminal investigation.