Thomas Ballard is a hard-working 36-year-old blue-collar guy from Texas who loves motorcycles. Bearded, easy going and very handy, Thomas had a day job as an auto mechanic but side hustles that helped people with their motorcycles, an avocation he loved. He helped people with their motorcycle woes through a YouTube channel known as “Cliff Cares”, offering folks free advice. Tom also had a small business known as Cliff’s Mobile Motorcycle Tires in which he would come to help you with any motorcycle emergency. His love for cycles made it easy for him to tell others how to do simple things like fixing tires and other minor problems without spending a small fortune, or just share stories and information with other bikes. Under his nickname, “Cliff”, Thomas uploaded a host of videos that earned him around 2,500 subscribers.
Thomas also loved his country and the same drive he applied to helping people with their motorcycles, Thom felt compelled to help the country on January 6th. What happened that day is a tale of two divergent stories. To maintain their narrative, the DOJ claims Thomas attacked police with batons and other projectiles but people in the crowd attest that ‘Cliff’ and others were only defending themselves against aggressive, and possibly criminal, police tactics. It should be noted the DOJ has suppressed most of the video evidence of that day.
An unnamed witness tipped off the FBI in May about Thomas, identifying him as the person behind the YouTube channel. He usually does not appear in the videos, only voices them. The FBI also found an Instagram account and a Facebook business page. In one Facebook post, an Arlington, Texas motorcycle officer thanked “Cliff” for a tire change. In June, FBI agents interviewed two other police officers who frequented his repair services. Agents also spoke to a postal carrier assigned to his alleged address. The Postman verified that it was indeed the home of Thomas Ballard. Then on Tuesday, August 10th, Thomas “Cliff” Ballard’s world came crashing down. The FBI and several SWAT teams from local police and sheriffs descended on his home.
During an early morning raid, Thomas was arrested as if he was a common terrorist. The DOJ through their police force, the FBI, sent fear throughout their neighborhood and his wife has had trouble even getting a job. Thomas had been their sole provider. “Cliff” or Thomas had worked very hard for years to build his business, which is now closed. His wife still has trauma from that day, which is considered a form of PTSD.
The FBI knew what they are doing. Rather than a phone call or an unarmed knock at the door, they employ military-style tactics to destroy someone with fear, no due process, no trial, no representation present. There is little difference from the Stasi police force of Soviet era Eastern Europe or Nazi police force in Germany before WWII. The tactics and goals are the same.
Thomas pled guilty on December 13th, 2022 on charges of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers using a dangerous weapon. He was sentenced to 54 months in jail. At the sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon ordered Ballard to serve three years of supervised release and pay restitution of $2,000 and a $100 special assessment in addition to the prison time.
Please pray for Thomas “Cliff” Ballard and his family. As an inmate, he cannot provide for them and they need help.
His wife Jill set up a givesendgo.com page and writes this to describe the devastation:
Two hearts were tore apart August 10th, when pounding at the door and flash bangs starting hitting the ground around our home. My husband, Thomas Ballard, who is a political prisoner, went to the door was arrested. After not hearing from him, I got up and went to towards the door there was a SWAT team in my path. They searched our home for God who knows what for hours. It took me days to put our home back together. Now I battle my neighbors, my job, personal fears. I’m having to live life without him, provide for our family without him. We have worked very hard for everything we have. He was our sole provider. He’s worked very hard for years to build his business, which is now inoperable. Now I have to pick up the pieces and try to carry on. Thank you for any support and prayers you provide!
For letters of encouragement, you can write him at;
Thomas “Cliff” Ballard
Inmate# 59329-509
United States Penitentiary
P.O. Box 1000
Lewisburg PA 17837