Vincent J. Gillespie
Vincent Gillespie is a 62-year-old man from Athol, Massachusetts with a degree in engineering. For good reason, he’s a guy who does not trust big government or large companies, but he is accustomed to living large. Vincent is the son of famed post war artist, Gregory Gillespie, a creative genius whose works are sometimes referred to as ‘Magical Realism’. For years after his death, Vincent has enjoyed the fruits of his father’s labors, fame and money. He lived mainly off his inheritance even though he was a brilliant engineer. In the early 1990s Vincent attended San Francisco State but, their hard leftist leanings left him cold and he moved on.
After leaving San Francisco State, fast forward to 2001, a year that will live in infamy. September 9/11 brought the entire nation to a standstill. Vincent wanted to look deeper into the conspiracies surrounding the 9/11 attacks. He became a fighter for truth and joined with a 9/11 widow, Ellen Mariani, and helped start the Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund. It gives aid to those who lost loved ones and help them find answers that challenge the narrative. He is the Secretary-Treasurer of this philanthropic organization. And he’s very familiar with the courts can to be stacked against the average citizen. He once spent several years contesting a $15 parking ticket. Vincent complained that the ordinance was used “to rack up funds and extort money from unsuspecting drivers”, a reasonable rationale for contesting the fine. He lost in the local courts but he wasn’t finished. Vincent persisted and appealed to the state’s Superior Court where the $15 fine was dismissed but not the $250 Gillespie paid to file his appeal. He wasn’t done. As any citizen has the right to do, Vincent brought his claim to the state Supreme Judicial Court. They ruled against him but eventually his case went to the state legislature, where a bill to correct what he saw as an injustice, was voted down.
But the real battle he’s fought for years was for control of the 400 paintings his father left to him. Vincent has taken on his stepmother over the highly valued paintings. Out gunned and maneuvered by her lawyers, his attempts to keep what is rightfully his, has so far been unsuccessful. But Vincent will never back down, not when it comes to parking tickets, his legacy, or his right to protest and push back where he sees injustice. He saw injustice happening in the 2020 election and wanting to be part of the group that was saying, “at least do a thorough investigation”. So, it made sense that he’d go to DC on January 6Th
He felt that the republic was being overrun by crooked bureaucrats and voter counters, using every trick in the book to deny President Trump another term in office. Vincent protested. Vincent yelled at police, shouting that they were “traitors” in reaction to them immediately using gas, spray and rubber bullets at what was set to be a peaceful protest. Police pushed the crowds. Police pepper sprayed the crowds and the crowds fought back. At one point Vincent pushed back using one of the capitol policeman’s shields. From all written accounts, this appears to be his only real offense. Now he’s caught in the web of the courts and prisons that will take years to untangle.
On February 18th 2022, Vincent was arrested in his city of Athol. Witnesses helped the FBI identify him using tips from a former neighbor, an employee of AAA and some town of Athol employees. He was sentenced to 68 months in prison after a jury in December of 2023 found him guilty of assaulting, resisting or impeding officers and other misdemeanors. Vincent was also ordered to pay a fine of $25,000, restitution of $2,000, and to serve 36 months of supervised release. But you’d expect, Vincent will fight back and appeal until he feels like he got a fair trial. He needs help to pay his fines, legal bills and more. Please keep him in your prayers and help out, if you can, with his financial needs.
Vincent could use your prayers as well as your moral support.
Vincent Gillespie-509
FCI Fort Dix
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 2000
Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640