Vitali Gossjankowski

Vitali was born in Zugdidi, Georgia, in Russia in 1988.  The sleepy town of Zugdidilies between Russia and the Black Sea.  Vitali was deaf and it’s not clear whether he was born that way or became that way through something that happenedbecause his parentsput him up for adoption early and there are no records.  Vitaly spent his early years in this backwater Georgian orphanage.  Because of his disability, he was not chosen for adoption by any Russians nor Americans, who at the time were the most common adoptees of Russian children.

However, in 1993, two lesbians living in Washington DC said yes.   At age five, Vitaliwas delivered to his prospective adopted mothers by a Russian official at Dulles Airport. For the next year, the two women, one named Goss and the other Jankowski, waited for the adoption of their son to become legal and finally received their precious child on July 15, 1994. The women decided to keep Vitalis first name and create a last name that represented a combination of both of theirs. However, his childhood was not easy.  “I didn’t have an exciting childhood because I was a particularly troubled kid with a lot of issues, and because I was (had been) in an orphanage, I never knew what caused my deafness.” His two mothers struggled with his troubles and his deafness.  They chose to institutionalize Vitaly at the age of 15.  The institutionalizationseemed to help Vitaly become determined to make something of his life.  Against all odds, at the age of 18, Vitaly was accepted into Scottsdale Community College in Arizona.  There he thrived and chose to study Food Management and Culinary Arts, retiring with an Associate Degree in 2014.  He knew he could get a bachelor’s as he had done fairly well.  So Vitaly applied and was accepted to Gallaudet University School for the Deaf in Washington DC.  Vitaly thrived and developed a community of others like himself.  He majored in Government and minored in Accounting and Risk Management. Maybe it was the roughness of his early years or the challenges of his teens, but Vitaly leaned conservative.  Vitaly explains“I have been a very vocal proponent of Donald Trump since 2010,” he exclaims with pride. “I even posted a photo on my Instagram in early 2011 predicting that Donald Trump would become the President of the United States and he DID.” He had turned his life around and had but three more elective courses to reach his bachelor’s degree inthe fall of2020. Watching the election returns, Vitali was excited that Trump would win a second term.  But when all Democratic swing counties stopped counting only to return hours later declaring a win for Biden, Vitali was disturbed.  He answered the call to attend the rally on January 6, 2021, and make his voice known that he believed the election was fraudulent. He did join the crowd and march to the capitol after Trumps speech where he found himself at the Lower West Terrace tunnel.  He took a taser handed to him by an unknown man. He activated it multiple times as he pushed through the crowd towards the police line inside the archway. In an interview with law enforcement, he said he discarded the taser in a trash can outside the Capitol.  He also identified Officer Michael Fanone, saying he may have touched his helmet to “help” him. Police say Fanone was tased and suffered a heart attack on Jan. 6th.   Vitali was later seen on footage from surveillance cameras and officer body-worn cameras — as well as other protestors cellphone videos — pushing at police officers and pulling at their protective shields, according to the Justice Department. He watched as others broke windows.  Vitali never entered the Capitol. Vitali was arrested on January 18, 2021.  He entered a Not Guilty pleaon 3/10/2021.  He struggled with his legal representation.  They [his attorneys] would not allow Gossjankowski to testify as he repeatedly requested. Gossjankowski said he was continuously suppressed by two out of his three former Public Defenders- Ned Smock and Celia Goelt. “They had an unparalleled alignment with the federal prosecutors to assassinate my reputation,” said Gossjankowski. His new attorney argued that Vitali should be able to testify and also have witnesses that were withheld by his previous representation. “Right now, my newly appointed lawyer Matthew Peed (Clinton & Peed Law Firm) is currently representing me,” says Gossjankowski. “We have continuous difficulty communicating due to a severe lack of ADA accommodation provided to me regarding my special needs because I’m deaf. He has attempted to reach out to me multiple times. I could face five years of imprisonment at a federal prison. Although I was never violent at the Capitol that day.” After a nine-day trial, he was convicted in March of 2023of assaulting law enforcement and trying to block an official proceeding of Congress.  Statute 1512 currently being challenged at the Supreme Court because it was part of the Sarbanes Oxley legislation in 2002 addressing Enron’s shredding of documents and therefore “interrupting an official proceeding.”  The Reason the DOJ has used this is that it is a felony and allows them to give harsh sentences for lower-levelassault and misdemeanor infractions. Vitaly was released and awaiting sentencing in October of 2023whenJudge Paul Friedman scheduled a hearing after federal prosecutors reported multiple texts from Vitali.  These texts weretheFBI Officer should have “employment extermination” and called his prosecutors “animalistic sub humans.”  He doxed (made public their residence addresses) several of the individuals involved such as the prosecutor.  The judge ordered him taken into custody and Vitali, once he understood through the sign language interpreter over zoom, became upset.  He resisted arrest and it took six officers to restrain him and take him into custody. As Vitali waits for sentencing in the DC Gulag, he needs hearing aids.  The DC Gulag is a dangerous place and hearing is helpful to know what is going on. Vitali Gossjankowski on January 6th. Like some conservatives who live in a “blue” city, Vitali has had a constant battle with friends and family. He said, “I’m a vocal supporter blending a mixture of political theology and activism to MAGA ideology with a strong concentric focus on conservative Trump-ism. I keep getting rejected by others around me due to my advocacy of Trump.” However, even after all the rejection and hardship that comes with being a J6er, Gossjankowski told J6 supporters that “showing up at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was the best thing I’d done in my life.” He has a message to all people who love freedom: “We have to stand firmly with our unequivocal courage to sickening and corrupt propaganda by the behemoth of pestiferous leftists. Thank you for your time to read this. MAGA :).” The prison is making it difficult for the deaf Gossjankowski to get the hearing aids he needs to be able to hear noises and protect himself while locked up. Please help Gossjankowski get hearing aids in jail HERE! Gossjankowski is currently estranged from his LGBT mothers who adopted him that July day 30 years ago. They have not reached out to him, although they live within miles of where he is being detained at the DC Gulag. He has also been rejected from the deaf community he was a part of and expelled from his school. Currently he has no one to rely on and reaches out to us to help. He needs prayer, support and hearing aids. You can support him here:

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